PH1501 Simple Cell |
PH1502 Daniel Cell |
PH1503 Lechanche Cell |
PH1504 Morse key |
PH1505 Wheatstone Bridge |
PH1506 Potentiometer - 1 Wire |
PH1507 Potentiometer - 4 Wire |
PH1508 Jockey Knife Edge |
PH1509 Post Office Box |
PH1510 Student Kelvin Bridge |
PH1511 Rheostat Sliding Contact |
PH1512 Resistance Box |
PH1513 Parallel Wire Current Balance |
PH1514 Moving Coil Galvenometer |
PH1515 Contact Key Single |
PH1516 Contact Key Double |
PH1517 Plug Keys |
PH1518 Knife Switch Double |
PH1519 Reversing Switch |
PH1520 Charge and Discharge Key |
PH1521 Copper Wire, Bare |
PH1522 Nichrome Wire, Bare |
PH1523 Eureka/ Constantan Wire, Bare |
PH1524 Helmholtz Coils |
PH1525 Rods for Producing Charge |
PH1526 Rubbing Cloth |
PH1527 Electrophorous |
PH1528 Conductors |
PH1529 Biot's Apparatus |
PH1530 Electric Fields Apparatus |
PH1531 Electroscope, Simple Flask Type |
PH1532 Gold Leaf Electroscope, Dual Purpose |
PH1533 Tin Metal Foil |
PH1534 Electrostatics Kit |
PH1535 Millikan's Oil Drop Apparatus |
PH1536 Fabric Wear Tester |
PH1537 Electric Wheel |
PH1538 Faraday's Butterfly Net |
PH1539 Lyden Jar |
PH1540 Van De Graff Generator |
PH1541 Whimshurst Machine |
PH1542 Beaum's Hydrometer |
PH1543 Battery Hydrometer |
PH1544 Hare's Apparatus |
PH1545 Boyle's Law Apparatus |
PH1546 Mercury Truf, Porcelin |
PH1547 Pascal's Apparatus |
PH1548 Fluid Pressure Apparatus |
PH1549 Cartesian Diver |
PH1550 Spouting Cylinder |
PH1551 Manometer |
PH1552 Sipon Barometer |
PH1553 Aneroid Barometer |
PH1554 Bourdon Gauge |
PH1555 Bernoulli's Tube |
PH1556 Magdeburg Hemispheres |
PH1557 Surface Tension Apparatus, Jeager |
PH1558 Capillary Tube Apparatus |
PH1559 Smoke Cell |
PH1560 Ball and Ring Apparatus |
PH1561 Bar and Gauge |
PH1562 Linear Expansion Apparatus |
PH1563 Expansion of Liquids Apparatus |
PH1564 Hypsometer Copper |
PH1565 Compound Strips |
PH1566 Thermostat Bimatellic |
PH1567 Edser's Apparatus |
PH1568 Hope's Apparatus |
PH1569 Charle's Law Apparatus |
PH1570 Latent Heat of Steam Apparatus |
PH1571 Calorimeter Set, Copper |
PH1572 Jouls's Calorimeter |
PH1573 Thermal Conductivity Kit |
PH1574 Ingen Hausz Apparatus |
PH1575 Conductivity Apparatus |
PH1576 Constant Level Tank |
PH1577 Convection Tube |
PH1578 Crooke's Radiometer Single |
PH1579 Thermocouple Simple |
PH1580 Searle's Mechanical Heat |
PH1581 Flywheel Unit |
PH1582 Bar Magnets (made of Steel, in pairs) |
PH1583 Cylinderical Magnets (made of Steel) |
PH1584 Horse Shoe Magnets (made of Steel) |
PH1585 Bar Magnets, Alnico (made of Cobalt Steel) |
PH1586 Cylindrical Magnets, Alnico (made of Cobalt Steel) |
PH1587 U shape Magnets, Alnico (made of Cobalt Steel) |
PH1588 Load Stone |
PH1589 Ring Magnet, Ceramic |
PH1590 Iron Filings |
PH1591 Material Set for Magnetism and Electricity |
PH1592 Magnetic Needle, Jewel Bearing |
PH1593 Plotting Compass, both sides Glass |
PH1594 Compass |
PH1595 Deflection Magnetometer |
PH1596 Magnetizing and Demagnetizing Solenoid |
PH1597 Magnetic Balance, Hibbert's |
PH1598 Electromagnet |
PH1599 Worcester Electromagnetic Kit |
PH1600 Oersted's Apparatus |
PH1601 Tangent Galvenometer |
PH1602 Barlow Wheel |
PH1603 Electric Motor Kit |
PH1604 Helical Coil |
PH1605 Bicycle Dynamo |
PH1606 Magnetizing and Demagnetizing Solenoid |
PH1607 Demagnetizing Solenoid |
PH1608 Cubes, Wooden |
PH1609 Cubes, Assorted Material |
PH1610 Hydrostatic Balance |
PH1611 Dispalcement vassel (Tin/ Brass) |
PH1612 Perxpax Container |
PH1613 Spring Balances, Metric |
PH1614 Spring Balances, Newton |
PH1616 Compression Balance |
PH1617 Set of Masses, Iron, 100 gms. |
PH1618 Slotted Masses, Iron, 100 gms. |
PH1619 Forec Table |
PH1620 Parallelogram of Forces Apparatus |
PH1621 Aluminium Pulleys (various) |
PH1622 Pulley, Differntial, Aluminium |
PH1623 Advance Pulley System |
PH1624 Screw Jack |
PH1625 Simple Wheel and Axle |
PH1626 Projectile Apparatus |
PH1627 Dynamic Trolley |
PH1628 Ticker Tape Timer (a.c.) |
PH1629 Flectcher's Trolley |
PH1630 Inertia Bar |
PH1631 Gyroscope |
PH1632 Turntable/ Flywheel |
PH1633 Inclined Palne |
PH1634 Friction Kit |
PH1635 Lever Kit |
PH1636 Inertia Balance |
PH1637 Compound Pendulum. |
PH1638 Guinea and Feather Apparatus |
PH1639 Set of Springs |
PH1640 Hooke's Law Apparatus |
PH1641 Young Modulus Apparatus |
PH1642 Torsion Apparatus Vertical |
PH1643 Bending of Beam Assembly |
PH1644 Hydrometer, Nicholoson |
PH1645 Hydrometer Universal |
PH1646 Wave Form Helix |
PH1647 Wave Motion Apparatus |
PH1648 Simple Harmonic Motion Demonstration Apparatus |
PH1649 Ripple Tank |
PH1650 Sonometer |
PH1651 Hand Stroboscope |
PH1652 Tuning Forks, set of 13 |
PH1653 Set of Four Tunung Forks in Box |
PH1654 Eelctrical Tuning Fork |
PH1655 Melde's Apparatus |
PH1656 Organ Pipe |
PH1657 Whirling Table |
PH1658 Resonance Apparatus |
PH1659 Resonance Tubes |
PH1660 Kund's Tube Apparatus |
PH1661 Cheshire's Disk |
PH1662 Dog Whistle |
PH1663 Aneroid Barometer |
PH1564 Reading Telescope |
PH1665 Hand Dynamo, AC and DC |
PH1566 Steam Engine |
PH1667 Steam Engine |
PH1568 Gas Engine |
PH1669 Solar Cooker |
PH1571 Sectional Working Model of 2 Stroke Petrol Engine |
PH1672 Sectional Working Model of 4 Stroke Petrol Engine |
PH1573 Sectional Working Model of 2 Stroke Diesel Engine |
PH1674 Sectional Working Model of 4 Stroke Diesel Engine |
PH1575 Demonstration Electric Bell |
PH1676 Traffic Lights |
PH1577 Bramah Hydraulic Press |
PH1678 Kinetic Theory Model |
PH1579 Drawing Board |
PH1680 Black Board Instrument Box |
PH1581 Overhead Projector |
PH1682 Slide Projectors Standard Design |